Reasonable price for China Sodium Gluconate Production High Capacity High Efficiency Vacuum Evaporation Crystallizer

We strive for excellence, services the customers", hopes to be the top cooperation team and dominator business for personnel, suppliers and prospects, realizes benefit share and continual promotion for Reasonable price for China Sodium Gluconate Production High Capacity High Efficiency Vacuum Evaporation Crystallizer, If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a customized order, please feel free to contact us. We strive for excellence, services the customers", hopes to be the top cooperation team and dominator business for personnel, suppliers and prospects, realizes benefit share and continual promotion for China Zinc Sulfate Crystallization, Dtb Type Crystallzier, Our company's main items are widely used all over the world; 80% of our products and solutions exported to the United States, Japan, Europe and other markets. All stuff sincerely welcome guests come to visit our factory. Sodium Gluconate(SG-A) Introduction: Sodium Gluconate also called D-Gluconic Acid, Monosodium Salt is the sodium salt of gluconic acid and is produced by fermentation of glucose. It is a white granular, crystalline solid/powder which is very soluble in water. It is non corrosive, non toxic, biodegradable and renewable.It is resistant to oxidation and reduction even at high temperatures. The main property of sodium gluconate is its excellent chelating power, especially in alkaline and concentrated alkaline solutions. It forms stable chelates with calcium, iron, copper, aluminium and other heavy metals. It is a superior chelating agent than EDTA, NTA and phosphonates. Indicators:




White crystalline particles/powder









Heavy metals




Reducing substances


Lose on drying


Applications: 1.Food Industry: Sodium gluconate acts as a stabilizer, a sequestrant and a thickener when used as a food additive. 2.Pharmaceutical industry: In the medical field,it can keep the balance of acid and alkali in the human body,and recover the normal operation of nerve. It can be used in the prevention and cure of syndrome for low sodium. 3.Cosmetics & Personal Care products: Sodium gluconate is used as a chelating agent to form complexes with metal ions which can influence the stability and appearance of cosmetic products. Gluconates are added to cleansers and shampoos to increase the lather by sequestering hard water ions. Gluconates are also used in oral and dental care products such as toothpaste where it is used to sequester calcium and helps to prevent gingivitis. 4.Cleaning Industry: Sodium gluconate is widely used in many household detergents, such as dish, laundry, etc.


Package: 25kg plastic bags with PP liner. Alternative package may be available upon request.

Storage: Shelf-life time is 2 years if kept in cool,dried place.Test should be done after expiration.

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